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  • Writer's pictureallisonchamberlainjones

June 20th - Sun enters Cancer

Updated: May 31, 2020

At 5:43pm EST on June 20th the Sun shifts from Gemini into Cancer. The Sun's movement into Cancer is always synonymous with the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a day of celebrating the life-giving qualities of the light. The longest day of the year can feel like a brief cessation of time's passage. For a few days the amount of daylight stays the same before we begin to trend downward. This plateau is a great time to celebrate and give thanks for the abundance of light in your life. It's time to take in and appreciate the view from the top of the mountain. This brief moment in time is a reminder of life's constant change. We're either gaining light or losing it, hiking up the mountain or down - never staying in the same place for too long. The cycle repeats onward into infinity. Rising/falling, birthing/dying, brightening/darkening, expanding/contracting - all of these polarities are part of the natural laws of the Universe. Can you enjoy the swing of the pendulum without trying to force it to stay in one place?

With the Sun entering Cancer our thoughts turn towards domestic activities, family, comfort, security and nurturing. It's a popular time to gather with family at a lake or beach, to celebrate the upcoming Fourth of July holiday and to take a vacation together. Cancer serves as a reminder of your roots - where you've come from. It's a time to prioritize those you whom you love the most. Emotions can be intense and deep throughout Cancer season as she's ruled by the Moon. La Luna might have more of an impact on you for the next four weeks as she's buoyed by the Sun and Mercury also in the sign of her domicile. Cancer is extremely sensitive - sometimes needing to retreat to her protective nest to escape the harsher realities of life. This sign is the ultimate homebody. Cancers are typically more introverted and need lots of down time and alone time to rejuvenate. You might feel a little bit more like this throughout the next few weeks especially after a bustling Gemini Season. Give yourself the gift of relaxation and retreat. Disconnect to reconnect. We're in the middle of eclipse season - with a powerful New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer just one day after the Solstice on June 21st. Catch my next blog post for some insight into this lunation.

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